Leading a gentler life is about embracing things that help support your body and mind, as well as supporting the planet we all share.

The recent rise in illnesses like MCAS, ME, fibromyalgia, and long Covid, has shown us that our bodies are stressed in ways they never used to be.

Whilst a lot of people are interested in leading a gentler life, for a great many people with these illnesses, healing our bodies and our minds has become a necessity rather than a lifestyle choice.

If you have any of these illnesses (or any other similar illness or even allergies) and if you have been advised to make changes to your lifestyle, or if you are just looking to slow down and lead a gentler life, then knowing where to start can be daunting. But we are here to help.


Check out our low histamine recipes for the whole family (a low histamine diet may help reduce the symptoms of long Covid, ME, MCAS, allergies and intolerances).


If you feel inspired to grow your own food - the healthiest way to eat - then check out our gardening blog with monthly tips on what to grow and how.


See what products you can swap out of your kitchen cupboard for more natural ones that are better for both you and the environment.


Take a moment for yourself in our headspace.

Anything contained within these pages is for general information only and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. It should not be treated as a substitute for professional medical advice. If you have any concerns about your health please contact your doctor. Starting any new diet should be done in consultation with your doctor or your nutritionist.